So, this is my first ever blog posting, and therefore it could be said that I’m fairly new at this blogging thing. However, my professor did suggest it, and in doing so he validated an idea that I’ve been kicking around for a while now. That having been said, I had hoped that starting one would have automatically downloaded some ideas of what to write into my head. No dice.
But despite this fairly massive roadblock, I shall soldier on, through all the nonexistent rain, wind, and snow that batters me in my dorm room as I sit at my laptop. You could think of me as a typing mailman. You probably won’t, but the option remains open.
Let’s take a moment to discuss my writing. This is a learning experience for me. Keeping this in mind, allow me to mention that learning is usually associated with feedback. I need some feedback if I am going to learn anything through this exercise. Therefore, I implore you to comment on my work. I need to know what I could improve on. Be scathing, but in a constructive way. I realize that this may be a challenge, but I’d be impressed if someone managed to reasonably critique my writing and cast aspersions regarding my mother simultaneously.
This post seems an excellent place to start! So please, let me know what would be better. Naturally, I realize a real topic would augment my writing, but what else can I do? As a writer, I serve you, my audience. As my aforementioned professor taught me, the easiest thing in the world for someone to do is to stop reading, so what can I do to persuade you not to stop? I promise I will take every comment into consideration and do my best to implement it.
So, dear reader, let me have it: How did I do?
He who hopes to someday be Your Favorite S.O’B.
Hey Sean, check out my blog. It’s not as articulated or well written as yours but hey, whatever.