Writing and such.

I really want to write. I want to create new worlds, new people, new ideas, new animals. I want to be the puppet-master over my creations, I want to shape their lives according to my whim, I want to let them wander through my fingers just to see where the story leads....

Being Short

As much as I hate to admit it, there are some perks to being a short guy. From the view of someone on a diet, the children’s menu has smaller portions, so restaurants are unwittingly simplifying your issues with not knowing when to say when. From a...
Remember when…

Remember when…

…Facebook was a social network? Where people didn’t just post their political opinions with zero tact, zero respect for the opinions of others, and zero repercussions? Me neither. Last I checked, a social network was a place for friends to socialize,...
My Scarily Accurate Tagline

My Scarily Accurate Tagline

Since news is going to spread one way or another, I’d rather clear the air once now and be able to just refer people here than explain over and over andĀ over (because who has time forĀ that?): I have a bump on my brain. Now, I’m not speaking metaphorically...

Carpe Diem vs. #YOLO

I think it can safely be said that #YOLO is officially and indubitably a “thing”. My Twitter is even more neglected than this blog is (which is certainly saying something) and even I can see a veritable pandemic of tweets involving #YOLO. It has even...